Click here for full report Composite Index 1 Vs. -9 last month Service index -12 vs. -2 last month Paid prices 9.08 vs. 10.19 Last month Received prices 7.63 vs. 9.91 Last months – Vs. last month new orders – vs -1 last month at work 3 vs -1 last month paid 25 vs 37 last month. Availability of necessary skills -5 vs. -12 last month number of orders -23 vs. -25 last month capacity utilization rate -10 and -16 last month supplier lead time -25 vs. -10 last month local business conditions -6 vs. – 6 last month capital expenditures 10 compared to last month appropriate inventories completed 2 vs. 1 last month raw material inventory 2 vs. 2 previous month equipment and software costs 15 vs. 12 last month maintenance costs -11 vs. -9 last month looking at some charts: Price trends are moving down but still above pre-pandemic levels: Price trends Richmond area price trends employment trends are down and showing a respectable 0 level Employment Employment trends in the Richmond area salaries are down from high levels and are back closer to pre-pandemic levels. Wages Wages Richmond Fed District